Thursday 16 June 2011

The Patient Survey

My thanks to those patients who have co-operated with the survey this week, particularly to those who have volunteered to help the PPG directly. We have tried to get a spread of age groups and not be too dependent on females but from my observations there are many more ladies than men visiting the surgery. C'est la vie. Or is it the old story that men are reticent about their medical troubles? The results of the survey are to be checked next week but thus far most people have said they are satisfied or delighted with the way the surgery is run. There were never more than 4 people waiting so the appointments system clearly works well, better than times past when you could find yourself No 12 in the queue at 6pm and still had to pay 3/6d for the consultation. Something like 2 hours pay, now put that into 2011 money and it comes out at around £20, makes you think. But the man on 1/10d an hour did not pay income tax, council tax, VAT or fuel tax and he still managed to watch professional football on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Patient Survey

The PPG is to conduct an anonymous survey during the next few weeks to put before the Medical staff so that they can assess the service they offer against what the patients think they want. Patients, do remember these doctors are well trained doctors not miracle workers, they can only do the best they can with the tools at hand. And only then if your present yourself. Those tools are getting better day by day, just consider your state of health compared with your grandparents, many of my ancestors smoked themselves into an early grave because they hardly knew any better. Drink got many of the others. This despite having to exercise much more.
There is a TV programme, obviously very popular because the ads are so long, clearly showing some unhappy people who have had unusual conditions for YEARS and done not gone to their doctor. UNWISE in the extreme.

Please co operate with the surveyors, it is a bind but the aim is to help, not to sell you something.

Friday 21 January 2011

Mixed discussion

The committee met at St Luke's surgery on 20th January at 7pm. The start was delayed 35 minutes while one of the doctors asked constructive questions about the way the committee members were treated as patients as well as patient treatment in general when people tried to get an appoinyment.

The committee meeting was a free discussion on a few subjects, principally the PPG wants to get a suggestions box into the two waiting rooms in an attempt to get feed back from patients on all subjects. Patients are free to comment on this blog, preferably with a name and address.
The committee wishes also to get itself known around the area by using Parish and Town notice boards.

There was also some discussion on the accessibility of the Surgery repeat prescriptions website, some patients have found it impossible but 600 do use it. Comments please, your blogmaster knows that sometimes 'buttons' are missing on some computers on some websites and without clicking on the button one cannot move to the next stage.

Saturday 15 January 2011

The New Year

15th January 2011.
The committee meets again soon and we are aiming to get airborne this year and fly with you all to destinations to be decided, probably another walk but will keep you posted.